Postal Address: Caslon Primary Community School, Beeches View Avenue, Halesowen B63 2ES
Main office – 01384 818875
Daycare/Nursery: 01384 818890
For immediate queries or questions: See Mrs Holden-Gough, Mr Monk or Miss Garrett at the gate from 8.30am or call the office to book an appointment with Mrs Holden-Gough.
The DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) is the person appointed to take lead responsibility for child protection issues in school. The name of our DSL is Miss Garrett and our deputies are Mrs Holden-Gough, Mrs Harper and Mrs Heritage.
The name of our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) is Miss Garrett.
SENCo The SENCo is a teacher who is responsible for supporting members of staff, parents and pupils in meeting the additional needs of all children. They have received specialised training in co-ordinating SEN across the school. The SENCo is available to share the progress of your child at Parents Evenings, drop-in sessions and IEP reviews. If you have a worry or concern about your child’s learning, then the SENCo will be happy to talk to you.